Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Event Marketing

Let's look at some of the key advantages of the proprietary corporate event. †¢When creating a proprietary corporate event, the marketer has nearly complete control of the customer's experience with the company. You can shape the event to suit the needs of your audience — and meet your corporate sales and marketing objectives. †¢Corporate events are an excellent venue for relationship building with key customers, from end-users, to technical personnel, to purchasing officials, to senior executives.The relationship can be deepened on both sides: you get more focused selling time, and the customers provide you with more insights into their needs and business problems. †¢Corporate events are designed to allow higher level conversations than can be expected in the hustle and bustle of a trade show. †¢Customers and prospects can focus on your message, without distractions from competitors. Corporate events tend to be applied to current customer marketing, versus prospecting, for the simple reason of efficiency.For one thing, it's easier to persuade a person with whom you already have a business relationship to come to your corporate event. For another, the future value of a current customer or inquirer is much higher than that of the average unwashed prospect, which justifies the expense of creating and running a dedicated event. To get the most value from a corporate event, keep these principles in mind: †¢Consult with your target audience. In order to attract and influence them, you must first find out what works. Let their preferences and needs guide your planning. †¢Seek opportunities to defray your costs.You can ask your business partners to take sponsorships, or ask your clients to pay their own travel and hotel expenses. Some conferences even charge attendees a fee, which both qualifies their serious interest and supports the budget. †¢Corporate event management is complicated, and requires expertise and resources fro m multiple parties, inside and outside the company. So a focus on project management and team-building will enhance your likelihood of success. †¢Proprietary corporate events share many characteristics of trade shows, when it comes to marketing strategy, planning, and execution.The same rules apply about setting objectives, promotions, post-event follow up, and so forth. Treat the corporate event like a full-fledged marketing campaign, not a one-off. Event Types It's not easy to categorize events, since there is so much overlap in function and activity, but here are some of the more common types. Most of these are focused on current customers, but the last one, road shows, is designed for prospecting. User Groups The user group meeting has taken center stage in the information technology arena, but is also in wide use in other industries.Typically the company's objective with a user group is multi-fold: †¢Education about the current products in use at the account †¢Su rfacing problems and trouble shooting solutions †¢Identifying customer needs for additional products or features †¢Deepening the relationship with the customer Most companies find that the opportunity to network with other product users is one of the key benefits appreciated by attendees. Client Conferences User groups target the engineer or middle manager who actually uses the product in day-to-day business, with primarily an educational and troubleshooting objective.A client conference, on the other hand, is designed to engage a more senior managerial level, addresses more strategic issues and is often, in some respects, more sales oriented. The typical client conference pursues the following objectives: †¢Deepen the customer relationship †¢Communicate company vision, culture, and strategies †¢Cross-sell and upsell †¢Encourage networking among peers A client conference may have any of the following components: †¢Keynotes and breakout sessions â⠂¬ ¢Exhibit hall †¢Meetings with sales reps and senior executives †¢Sports event, such as a golf outing A client appreciation dinner †¢Entertainment Single-Customer Events Events focusing on a single customer can be a useful element of the corporate event marketing mix. Limited to top customers, these events can be as simple as an expanded client meeting, where the business carries on into ancillary activities like dinners or outings. Or they can be workshops, or facilitated sessions — whatever meets the sales and marketing objective. One common type of single-customer event is also known as a â€Å"vendor day,† when a large company arranges for suppliers to come in and show their wares. Educational SeminarsAn educational seminar can be an appealing way to deliver product information within a larger business context — which adds credibility and also increases access to hard-to-reach customers. Most common are daylong or half-day seminar programs t aught by a credible third party on a subject of strong business interest to your customers. If you include speakers from your own company, it's important to keep the tone of the presentation more about solving problems or sharing ideas, and less a blatant sales pitch. One of the secrets to success in seminar marketing is balancing good content with amenities.Consider this wisdom from Mark Amtower, a specialist in marketing to government buyers. Amtower conducts seminars all over the country for clients and prospects as part of his sales outreach. â€Å"The seminar content is important,† says Amtower. â€Å"But the food is how they'll judge the seminar overall. I have learned to provide great food, and plenty of it, and I get rave reviews — and new business — from my seminars. † Executive Seminars Executive seminars are intended to bring senior-level customers together for education, peer interaction, and face time with senior company representatives.Usual ly kept fairly small, repeated at regular intervals, and held in desirable locations, these events combine customer appreciation with sales opportunity. The primary hook to attract attendees is content, topics of strategic interest to senior managers. The events thus serve to position the hosting company as a partner as opposed to a vendor, a trusted resource who can be relied upon to help solve pressing business problems. Attendees appreciate the chance to learn about solutions and to network with their peers from other companies. Entertainment EventsEvents designed around social outings, or around food and drink, are most successful when linked to a specific sales objective. The attendees need to be carefully selected and qualified, since you don't want to be investing in entertaining the universe. Most companies find that entertainment events only work when they are driven by the sales team, and marketing assists in logistics and strategy. Road Shows Road shows consist of a multi -city series of meetings designed to deliver richer product information than is possible through mail or phone, but to be more efficient than solo sales calls.The road show takes the event to the market — sparing customers and prospects the need to travel. Typically, the marketer bears all the expense, and no fee is charged to attendees. The road show venue is usually a hotel meeting room, with a half-day session that includes breakfast or lunch. Because the cost per contact is fairly high, ranging from $25 to $100 or more, road shows are typically reserved for clients or prospects who are fairly far along the buying cycle. Most road shows target a customer based within driving distance from the venue.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Shakespeare Sonnet 116

William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116 found on page 1182 of The Norton Anthology of English Literature: Volume1B: The Sixteenth Century, The Early Seventeenth Centry, 2nd edition(New York: W. W. Nortion, 2000) is one of his most famous sonnets to conquer the subject of love. While there is much debate concerning the tone of this sonnet, Shakespeare’s words speak of transcendent love not very commonly considered in popular poetry at the time. He used the Petrarchan sonnet style in Old English popular around the time but certainly added a new twist of his own genius.In theme Shakespeare had unique perceptions and experiences in his portrayal of love. The introduction of a young boy as the object of his affections and subject of sonnets 1-126 was perhaps not a common subject for other poets. Sonnet 116 falls into the section of sonnets of the boy, yet it does not quite fit the mold of the rest of his sonnets. In the sequence the surrounding, the sonnets highlight loves’ more deceptive qualities such as unfaithfulness and betrayal. The fallibility and physical matters pertaining to love are no longer considered in Sonnet 116, and a truer sort of transcendent and unconditional love emerges.Unlike the popularized Petrarchan form of an octet followed by a sestet, Shakespeare’s 14 line sonnets are divided into three Sicilian quatrains and a couplet. The quatrains develop the metaphor and a couplet at the end that becomes a commentary. The masculine rhyme scheme follows the pattern ababcdcdefefgg and the meter is in the traditional iambic pentameter (10 syllables per line). The ideas flow and create a sense of urgency in this piece as phrasing does no clearly begin and end with each line.The idea in first line that flows right into the next and there is a fluttering of accents. This creates a rapid delivery of words carried by the iambic feet. There is repetition in the alliteration with words such as â€Å"alters† and â€Å"alterationâ₠¬  or â€Å"remover† and â€Å"remove†. This also adds to the poems sense of flow and purposefulness. Each quatrain begins a new metaphor and the images are also strengthened in the following quatrains. The more dramatic volta of the sonnet begins with the final two lines with commentary that in this case does bring us to an ultimate conclusion.Much is said in this sonnet using somewhat simple rather than flattering diction and most of the words are monosyllables. The sonnet opens speaking of true love between two people. The Imagery begins with the marriage alter itself. This creates a very Christian vision of man and wife. The love spoken of is â€Å"of true minds† and therefore a spiritual partnership rather than physical union. In the second line with â€Å"admit impediments† he calls to mind the words used in the Marriage ceremony from The Book of Common Prayer.The mention of the word â€Å"alter† twice in the second line strengthens this ima ge as well. The â€Å"marriage of true minds† becomes the subject which can be interpreted in differing ways leaving us with a somewhat vague impression. True love itself becomes without â€Å"impediments† and is free and clear of the need for any â€Å"alterations†. This idea of love’s constancy and reliability is continued in the following quatrain with the images of love as a lighthouse, â€Å"ever-fixed mark† and guiding â€Å"star to every wandring bark†.The images of time, death and the compass speak of a constancy and reliability that love shall outlast. Shakespeare’s frequent references to time in his sonnets tend to bring careful consideration death and the threat of time itself. In Sonnet 116 however love is not threatened by any such thing, as it â€Å"bears it out, even to the edge of doom† in line 14 just before the Volta. In the final quatrain imagery connected with time and death’s† bending sickleâ⠂¬ , which calculates as well with â€Å"his brief hours and weeks† though time still is not bound by such restraints.There is some irony in the mention of the possibility of the poem not existing with the open ended commentary â€Å"I have never writ† In the final couplet the existence of the poetry itself is called into question although the poet’s certainty of the truth of his words becomes evident creating a sense of irony and an open ended conclusion. Love itself is the subject of the metaphor in this quintessential sonnet, in particular unconditional eternal love. The emotional union of marriage and the love of God are in comparison here. Frequently in Sonnet 116 true love appears as what it can outlast and simply what it is not.The common trope of love as a guiding lighthouse or star is included in the second quatrain. We see a ship lost at sea, challenged by a tempest that it outlasts, as a metaphor for this undying and resilient love. Its image as an à ¢â‚¬Å"ever fixed mark† marks the common them of love’s reliability. This also is an account of love’s incalculable worth who’s â€Å"worth’s unknown although its’ height be taken†. Throughout the sonnet , images of calculations of things such as time space distance and worth are mentioned, yet love transcends all calculation. Love’s transcendent qualities rise above the metaphor’s hemselves making this a very powerful sonnet. The unconventional love spoken of can perhaps lend itself the subversive tone in Sonnet 116. Opening with â€Å" Let me not to the marriage of true minds† could take on a very different meaning without immediate continuation to the next line â€Å"admit impediments. † It could perhaps also mean â€Å" let me not† to this Christian ideal of marriage . This possibility creates a questionable tone. Which makes sense, when we consider how the love Shakespeare was speaking of, did not fit into the Elizabethan concept of what was acceptable.The use of â€Å"Oh no! † in line 3 as an exclamation, following the mention of admitting â€Å"impediments† suggest his forcefulness in defending his ideas of love of, perhaps as well as his love of the boy which would itself be an impediment. The rejection of this type of love in Elizabethan times gives the poet the chance to speak of the nature of love itself as transcendent and eternal. The love that extends itself beyond these sorts of physical matters is not without its challenges. This gloomy tone expressed the sometimes cold language.The feelings evoked by the threats of â€Å"tempests† and â€Å"the edge of doom† (judgment day) and all the â€Å"alterations† of time does not allow the idea of desperation to totally subside. A somewhat distant and unpleasant tone comes even from the comparison of love to a star. It becomes a remote image, somewhat self-contained who’s true â₠¬Å"worth’s unknown†. The fact that love cannot be comprehended however does not diminish its powers. There is irony in the final commentary as well. The improbability of error in Shakespeare’s poetry is proven by the existence of the poetry itself. Yet this is still left up to question.The possibility also exists that â€Å"no man ever loved† in the this way as well. In this way the poem becomes a subject of metaphor just as love itself. The somewhat subversive tone is carried out through conclusion. Sonnet 116 goes beyond the Petrarchan dilemma of unrequited passionate love and considers the possibility of true loves eternal nature. It also goes beyond conventional as a poem concerning the sacrament of marriage and the love of god while being directed to a young man. Although it utilizes common tropes and simple language his unique passion and cleverness developed a fresh perspective.His use of phrasing an punctuation creates a dramatic tone of voice. His concern with what love is not becomes definition by restraint. Irony is layered throughout. The images and metaphors weave a tight tapestry and fluttering accents and alliteration and run-ons create a lyrical expressiveness. Shakespeare quite flawlessly recreates this revolutionary idea of love in the form of a sonnet. Its wide popularity may be a testament to nature of its form. Sources The Norton Anthology of English Literature: Volume1B: The Sixteenth Century, The Early Seventeenth Centry, 2nd edition(New York: W. W. Nortion, 2000)

Monday, July 29, 2019

Principles of Marketing †Shoes Essay

For most women shoes are probably the most important part of the whole outfit. The shoes you wear can increase your confidence or destroy it, and you can never have enough. Companies capitalize on this idea by mostly targeting women when they are marketing their shoe products. The market for fashion forward men is growing rapidly, thus more stores are providing a lot more variety of men’s shoes as well. The shoe market is divided into three major product categories athletic shoes, casual and dress shoes, and then â€Å"boom-or-bust† novelty designs. The shoe industry is one of the more â€Å"mature† industries, meaning that it has passed the emerging and growth stages and the sales are slower and more constant. The average woman owns 17 pairs of shoes. Women make up 25% out of the 40% casual/dress shoes segment, while the remaining 15% of it belongs to men. In order for a company, to retain its old customers and attract new customers, they must continually offer better and bolder shoes. The taste of shoe buyers changes often, and so the retailers must improve their shoes. The improvements in an athletic shoe would focus on comfort and performance enhancement. The dress and casual shoes would rely on the fashion-forwardness and the superior products and novelty designs focus on improving profitability. The whole shoe industry has to be able to adapt to change and with the electronic era here. The biggest change the industry probably has to make is moving to an e-business adjusting a company’s sales to stay the same and even increase, while keeping up with the technology and trends at the same time. That could mean expanding internet sales and closing down low performing stores or just marketing their online segments harder. The Designer Shoe Warehouse, more formally known as DSW, opened in 1969 and over the years has become a â€Å"leading branded footwear and accessories retailer†. DSW offers a wide range of brand name shoes and sneakers for men women kids as well accessories. Their strengths rely in the distinctive and convenient store layout as well as the prices offered to customers. Some shoes at DSW are offered at lower prices than in other stores. DSW is a warehouse with rows upon rows of shoes. The possibilities seem endless. They carry lots of different brands and styles so everyone can find something that they like. The company has 364 stores in 41 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, as well as 346 leased departments for other retailers in the US. Not only does DSW have a whole bunch of traditional brick and mortar store locations, there are two websites. There is a product site where you can purchase shoes and accessories, and there is an investor relations site where you can find information about the company, press releases, SEC filings, and stock information since it is a publicly traded company. DSW became public in 2005. One effort in retaining customers would be their rewards system. To become a member is free of charge and you receive reward certificates after every 1,500 points earned. There are special deals and offers that are available to members only, such as, double-point shopping days twice a year, birthday certificates, and tracking purchases. And if you want to, you could upgrade your membership to the Premier Rewards status; for a small price. But, the Premier Reward members get all the perks, such as free next day shipping, triple-point days twice a year and access to events and offers that are just exclusively for them. The product website has an easy layout for customers divided into categories and sub categories. When a customer is in the process of looking for a shoe to purchase there are many great features included to help along the way. Such as full product detail that includes a colorful description of the shoe, the materials the shoe is made out of, and the dimensions. The customer can see ratings other people give the shoe such as duration, width, and comfort. There are also indications on the site that are more specific to feet preferences. Options such as choosing whether you want the shoe to come in a wide or narrow, the different colors and sizes available are given to the customer as well as, compare prices to show you how much you can save on a particular shoe. These details help the customers find a shoe that is the best for them. ALDO is a private company that is deeply rooted in culture, tradition, and service to others. Their mission is to deliver Total Customer Service, and make people feel good through the products that they provide. Similar to DSW, ALDO sells shoes and accessories to men and women. ALDO stores are found all over the world in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and 60 other countries. ALDO’s success relies on its ability to be fashion forward and globally conscious. This company is big on giving back and the employees participate in community service events, fundraisers and causes. One big cause ALDO participates in is the fight against AIDS. They have been involved with the fight since 1985 but in 2005 the ALDO Group launched campaign called ALDO fights AIDS that has been spreading awareness and raising money for a cure by using talented and known celebrities and media genres to donate as well as promote it. Something that differentiates ALDO’s website is that they have a ‘Trends’ tab on their website that describes the looks, or styles they represent and has a gallery of pictures to show how they would dress while wearing the shoes. To make it easier for the customer, they have a section on the website that has the top pic ks for both men and women. When thinking about purchasing a pair of shoes from ALDO there are many helpful things such as videos to teach you about the style of the shoes, colors available, a full written description of the material of the outside of the shoe and what the soles made of and a size guide with US and European sizes since their shoes vary in the sizes offered. The website also provides recommendations on what else you may like according to their beliefs. ALDO offers free returns and fast delivery. There is a new age among us where shoe stores don’t have to actually have a building, but only a space online to sell and showcase shoes. Zappos is one of those stores. Zappos was founded in 1999 at the peak of the internet boom because the founder Nick Swinmurn was dissatisfied with the shoe market. No one retailer had everything that he was looking for. The vision for the company is to have the best service and best selection online and they are living the vision, and have been evolving with the market for the past 9 years. Zappos has been called the Amazon of shoes. Even though the company does not have traditional brick and mortar stores they do have a warehouse that houses all of the shoes that they make available for sale. Zappos is a family that is made up of different members that do different things. The first member is, Inc. which has the facilities, finance Treasury and Accounting departments, the Help Desk , Human Resources, etc. The next member of the family is Zappos CLT which takes calls, emails and chat live with customers. Zappos Development is responsible for content, creativity and marketing. Zappos Gift Cards sells gift cards. Zappos Insights provides insight into the company culture and mentors people on Zappos Family culture. Zappos IP is comprised of development and the Project Management Team. Zappos Merchandising develops relationships with the vendors and purchase the products on the site. Zappos Retail consists of clothing and apparel to help with retail therapy. And the last member of the family is, LLC, this site sells shoes, clothing, bags, and accessories at discount prices. The Zappos Family has ten core values that they live and abide by in order to grow strong and fulfill their goal to have the best service and best selection online. When on the Zappos website it is extremely easy to navigate through the pages. There are many categories and sub categories to choose from and the selections under them are endless. Zappos currently houses 1,140 different brands of shoes clothing and accessories with the goal and plan on increasing that number. They sell merchandise from Crooks and Castles which sells hip clothing to Giuseppe Zanotti which sells expensive high fashion shoes, heels, boots, and sandals. A newer, all internet company is Just Fabulous or This company is led by, fashion icon and owner of Baby Phat, Kimora Lee Simmons. JustFab keeps its members and customers up-to-date with fashion trends and styles. This company is differentiated because when you first sign up for JustFab, you take a style quiz about the different styles and looks you like. And every month your own style experts pick out items that they think you will like, and adds them to your boutique. There is a VIP membership, where members pay $39.95 for everything on the site and receive free shipping and returns. There is no obligation to pay but each month you must browse your boutique by the 5th or else you will be charged the $39.95. It is very important for a company to differentiate itself from others. Differentiation is key to getting and retaining customers, whether the differentiation comes from customer service, brand style, membership perks, etc. The companies selected all have things that differentiate them from each other, most of them relying on their rewards programs and customer service. DSW and Zappos pride themselves on having a wide range and variety of shoes, accessories, and clothing. They both try to be a â€Å"one-stop-shop† getting all of your needs fulfilled in one place. I think the personalized stylist in the JustFab Company is a brilliant idea because it is a form of interactive marketing. They are increasing relationships between the customer and the company. The only critique of JustFab is in the variety and styles. Most of the shoes and clothes they sell look cheap and ugly, but that is the price to pay when you are only spending about $40.00 for a pair of shoes, when they can run from $60-$200 for a good pair, or even more. ALDO has a strong sense of community and the products are extremely stylish. The AIDS campaign is also a good sense of social responsibility that increases the goodwill of the company. Out of all the companies the best and most effective business model and presence would have to be Zappos’s. The Zappos Family established a set of goals in the beginning and have been working toward them ever since. They live, work, and thrive by their ten Zappos Family Core Values. They are constantly working on growing the company and offering more brands to sell. The prices are good because they give sales on different shoes periodically. One thing I would do to better the company would implement a â€Å"boutique† just like in JustFab because all the variety it can be a little overwhelming at times. Websites Used

Efforts to Revive Membership in the British Trade Unions Essay

Efforts to Revive Membership in the British Trade Unions - Essay Example Any laxity on the side of the unions in the push to champion employee rights may lead to the uncalled fall and liquidation of initially successful trade union. It is worth acknowledging that British trade unions enjoyed the advantage of high membership registration immediately before 1979. However, this high historic clamour did not last long as the trade unions faced a tragic resignation and defection of their member. The main causes of the fall of the British trade unions were due to the high risk of unemployment due to the financial crisis that resulted in a high lay-off of workers (Smith 2011). In addition, the employees were defeated by the government in their push for salary increment, an incidence used by the government to institute laws allowing the employers to sack their rebellious workers at will. Furthermore, the Labour government made depriving laws in 1974 with a move to revenge against the great miners strike by adopting the Tory anti-union laws designated to cut indus trial wages. Labour government also worked hard to weaken the momentary strong shop stewards’ organization. The initial moves accomplished by the Labour government demoralized individual workers from participating in national votes thus paving way for Margret Thatcher and Tories laws insurgence to power. Upon entrance of the Conservative government into power under the umbrella of Margret Thatcher, new mechanisms were devised to reverse the defeat suffered by the employers at the hands of the trade unions. In that line, Margret started by isolating the key trade unions after which Tory anti-union laws of 1980 was adopted. Conservative government began the fight with the steel miners and the health workers in the year 1980 and then the printers in 1985 whose defeats returned to the government. In addition, there was great contest between the leaders of the various trade unions over who could lead the entire trade unions in Britain. This led to the automatic weakening of the ef forts of the entire trade unions (Smith 2011). Since 1980, British trade unions have tried to regain their former stature and power with limited success. In a move to restore the initial membership of workers into the trade unions, British trade unions have adopted practical policies that have stood to bear desirable results that in reviving the image of the trade unions. According to Budd and Mumford (2001, 2), many trade unions in the British economy have adopted family-friendly policies, which have led to the recovery of particular trade unions. The family-friendly policy entails the provision of subsidized onsite daycare to the workers on board. In addition, family-friendly practices provide free health care services to the children of the employees. Furthermore, the family-friendly services offered by the trade unions in Britain avails free meals to the onsite workers, a practice ought to increase the performances of the employees. Family friendly practices include provision of benefits that allow flexibility of the employees to tune from full time workers to balance between work and family issues. According to Budd and Mumford (2001, 3), the most critical component of benefits offered by the family-friendly policy is the leave policies.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Economics of Developing Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics of Developing Countries - Essay Example This strategy aims to increase the domestic production and reduce the dependency on foreign imports. Outward looking strategy Outward looking strategies are not just related to primary exports, but lay more importance on the trade of employment opportunities and other strategies which increases the level of income in the country. Trade expansion is to be used for economic growth and the generation of employment opportunities. b) India’s trade policies have changed rapidly since independence. Before independence India made imports for even those products which could be manufactured in India. But after independence there was a change in strategy and more emphasis is being laid on exports rather than imports. Today India has a strong trade policy and lays more emphasis on exports and follows the import substitute industrialization policy and restricts its imports. India now uses trade expansion as an instrument for economic growth and the generation of employment opportunities. I t has been effective in improving India’s economy especially developing the agricultural economy. The overall trade policy is good for Tamil Nadu as Tamil Nadu has increased its agricultural income. c) Both India and china have been successful in increasing their exports and reducing their dependence on imports. China has laid emphasis on the export of manufactured products, while India has laid much emphasis on the export of services. India’s exports are of capital and skill intensive products, while china’s exports are labor intensive goods. Both the countries have reduced their imports by the Import substitute industrialization strategy. Question 6: The article ‘Now we are seven billion’ states that Population growth has both positive and negative effects. Mr. Simon is of the opinion that prices would rise in real terms, when there is an increase in population. The article states that as the world economy boomed the population growth fell. Accord ing to the UN’s population division the world population will reach 7 billion as on 31st October 2011. According to Mr. Simon, the world’s rising population was not a problem since an increase in population is also related to an increased demand for investment. The author provides the example of China, where fertility is less and one child is the policy in the nation. The author states that china’s policy is a violation of rights. Encouraging smaller families is good for economic growth as it reduces the poverty in the country, but there are large families too. Although there is a basic view that rising population creates scarcity of resources, yet population is important for the economic growth of the country. The argument presented is that smaller families create economic growth. Smaller families create economic growth because smaller families’ means less poverty and each member of the family gets all the comforts of the life. Therefore this results in better economic growth of the country. The argument presented against is that when the population decreases then it reduces the growth of the economy, which again hampers the economic growth of the country. Thus population has both positive and negative effects. Question: V: DEEP in the South Atlantic, a huge business operation is under system that Brazil’s leaders say will turn their state into an oil power by the end of this decade. If the ambitious plans of the national oil

Saturday, July 27, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5

International Business - Essay Example People from one region within a country used to go to other regions to exchange goods. Different communities realized that there were other goods that they did not know and were available in long distances. This was realized when people from different regions travelled long distances in search for more resources. Word soon spread across the world and communities from different parts of the globe started to look for the different goods. There were goods that were more precious. Merchants went across the world just to get those goods. Such countries included China, India, America and Europe. International business started to blossom at that time leading to a number of civilizations. Domestic business or trade is a form of business, which is confined to the borders of a country. People within that country or territory buy goods and services within their borders. Domestic trade is usually good as it develops local infrastructure and also plays a role in enriching its own. This form of tr ade is probably the oldest form of trade. It was the main type of business in many parts of the world long before, merchants started to go to far lands. On the other hand, international business is business between countries. In this case, merchants from different countries exchange goods for money. Different countries are endowed differently. There are some that are good in industries while others have resources that can be used as raw materials for their industries. The country with industries, for example, would buy raw materials from the country with those resources. Money paid to the country with the resources would be used to buy industrial goods from the industrialized country. Ideally,what is sold to another country is export and what is received from another country is imports. The two countries benefit by getting what they did not have and foreign exchange (Curtin, 2002). One country can trade with many countries depending on its needs. Some countries have been found to im port much more than they import while others export much more than they import. Countries importing more are known as net importer countries, for example, the United States while countries that export more are known as net exporter countries, for example, Japan. International business has assisted many countries to develop and share with others. The unique characteristic of international business is that it also boosts domestic business in some way. Use of the terms domestic business and international business has been very confusing to some people in some scenarios. For example, there are some people who may argue, since domestic business is in certain territories or countries, then in countries with state government systems, the individual states experience both domestic and international trade in some way. Such people will argue that a State like California and Texas trading is international business. Nevertheless, different counties within California do domestic trading. Accordi ng to such people, interstate trade is the same as Britain and France trading (Curtin, 2002). This theory is true, to some extent, and wrong in another way. The different states in the United States represent some form of territorial jurisdiction. In fact, some states operate very differently from others. They have their own regulations for different things and differ from others. Each state has its own governing body that is responsible for drafting and passing policies. As such, the different countries of diverse

Friday, July 26, 2019

Kroger Co.s financial position and the role of profitability and Assignment

Kroger Co.s financial position and the role of profitability and shareholder equitys ratios in it - Assignment Example This essay analyzes The Kroger Co. that is rated among the top five players in thirty-eight out of the forty-two major markets. Most of its competitors have experienced negative growth trend in the recent past however, Kroger Co. has successfully managed to keep a smile on its shareholder’s face by steady sales growth in last twenty-nine quarters. Kroger Co. has a substantial customer base and it and it takes great pride in its loyal customer base as approximately one half of US households have a Kroger loyalty card. This has been a result of Customer 1st strategy that Kroger Co. believes in. It has also been popular among shareholders for its consistent dividend payments. In 2010, it gave out $250 million along with maintaining high investment-grade credit rating and reducing its leverage which eventually resulted in capital gain. Profitability ratios are an indicator of a company’s performance over the year. Profitability ratios include operating profit margin, net pr ofit margin, return on asset, and return on equity. Sales increased by 7.1% to $82.2 billion in 2010, which is more than its competitors. Operating profit margin is calculated by dividing the operating profit by the net sales. The operating profit for the year was $2182 M, as compared to net sales of $82189 M. The operating profit margin was 2.65% for the year. Net profit margin is calculated by dividing the net profit after tax by the net sales amount. Net profit for the year was $1116 M and it constituted 1.36% of the sales. ... Kroger has been trying to reduce its long term debt in the past few years which makes the company less risky to benefit shareholders. The company has kept its shareholders happy by giving a return of 21.07%. Shareholder’s Equity Ratio: The most important ratio in determining the impact of equity on the company is to find the percentage of equity to total assets. This ratio will give us an idea of the role of shareholder in the company’s operation. Also, companies take up debt to keep the larger portion of the profit with them (HORNE, James C. Van and Wachowicz, John M., 2008). This is a regular practice of profitable and established firms. Likewise, Kroger Co.’s asset base is majorly financed by debt and only 22.5% of its assets are sourced by shareholder. This is one of the reasons of high return on equity. This ratio indicates that Kroger Co.’s business model is profitable and becoming its shareholder will be profitable in future. Use and Application of Financial Reports Financial statements are an integral document for any company. It is used by stakeholders to assess the financial position and performance of the company. These stakeholders can be classified as internal and external (BRIGHAM, Eugene F. and Ehrhardt, Michael C., 2010). The internal users of these statements are management, board of directors and sometimes the employees as well. The external users include investors, lenders, suppliers and customers, government department and agencies, competitors, media, labor unions, supporters and opponents. Following are the three financial statements that is of prime importance for an investor, Balance sheet: It is also known as statement of financial position. It presents the picture of the company’s

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thanks my old friend Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Thanks my old friend - Essay Example But I later learnt that patience is one of the best things required in attaining great things in life especially friendship. It was not until I had a chance to perform to my new friends in high school that I realized that I had a wonderful lesson. My high school friends were very supportive when they realized my great talent in playing piano. They applauded my great coordination skills that i meticulously used any time I played the piano. They said that I had a great skill that could take me to great places especially my outstanding ability of matching up my fingers, brain and the music. Certainly all these were due to my grand relationship with the piano. I believe piano contributed to my extraordinary performance in academic work. The piano training was the hardest lesson I ever had thus making other academic lessons easy to learn to comprehend. Music lessons have contributed to my larger vocabulary command because of the languages that most artists use in their performance. My abi lity to remember things has always increased perhaps because of the many songs I memorize. Additionally, piano lessons have made me gain wonderful discipline in the way i deal with any issue in life. Because of the challenging piano lessons I underwent, I have attained great discipline skills and patience which I have constantly applied in my academics as well as tackling daily life issues. I have been able to clearly listen to different kinds of sounds because of the constant use of different tones in music and I believe this has led to improvement of my hearing skills. I have great opportunities of performing in various functions such as birthday parties, high school and even... Piano lessons have made me gain wonderful discipline in the way I deal with any issue in life. Because of the challenging piano lessons I underwent, I have attained great discipline skills and patience which I have constantly applied in my academics as well as tackling daily life issues. I have been able to clearly listen to different kinds of sounds because of the constant use of different tones in music and I believe this has led to the improvement of my hearing skills. I have great opportunities of performing in various functions such as birthday parties, high school and even in the church. This has actually elevated my social status and made me feel great. Indeed my piano has introduced me to many things such as having new friends. I have been able to travel to many places in the name of performance and it has really been encouraging. I have enjoyed my relationship with the computer. It has been splendid and special. The piano and music have been there for me anytime I needed the m and our affiliation will certainly go far. Since nature gives us the chance to choose our friends, I think I made the best choice because I have never regretted. The piano has never stopped revealing to me some secrets of music anytime I perform and it has always remained loyal to me even when I almost lose hope in life. The piano has wonderfully cheered me up especially when I am upset thus making me feel special and improving my life. It has genuinely made me feel happy by supporting and entertaining me every time my spirit is down.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Islam Why the suicide bomber decides to do it Essay

Islam Why the suicide bomber decides to do it - Essay Example Suicide Bombing is a type of guerilla warfare, in which the suicide bombers blew him self and kills the other people along with him. This tactics is not only used by males, but now there females also who are becoming suicide bombers These suicide attacks are not new. They have started since 80's, being used by different religions. But if you look pro 9/11, the Muslims are carrying most of the suicide attacks. Suicide attacks are not only being used to kill the non-Muslims only, the Muslims have used suicide bombing to kills each other as well. It has been being used in Shia-Sunni conflicts, the two major sects of Islam. They have blown suicide bob in each other's mosques. However, such attacks have decreased since 2006. But the concept of suicide bombing has taking another face. Now days, theses attacks are used to kill the ones who are helping the Western world in war against Islamic extremists, and the Main country which has being affected from this approach is Pakistan, which has being a strong ally of US against war against terror. Whenever, someone hears about a suicide attack, some simple questions arise to mind of everyone that, what makes a person become suicide bomber What did the suicide got from this Why does he like violence Well in order to get the answers, we need to understand their background. Lets take the current situstion in Afghanistan. ... From this point, they start hating the humans especially the Whites. These people lose all their hopes and start hating themselves. They leave everything, start getting training from the militant organizations, where the concept of jihad against the War On Terror (WOT) troops is put in their minds. They are assured that after their martyrdom, their military organizations will look after their families. Most of the suicide bombers are young people mostly in their early 20's. They opt to become suicide bombers because it can be executed easily, the chances of getting caught is less, success is for sure and it is quite effective, it require cheap weapons, it is difficult to stop and it can kill many people from one shot. If we conclude all this, it can be said that their surroundings, all that happens with them makes them become suicide bombers. Probable Reasons for Suicide Attack in Muslim World: Now let us looking where are these suicide attacks are common and probable reasons for that. If we see recently, the countries where these attacks are taking place are Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Pakistan. Lets us discuss the current political situation in these places. The reasons for suicide attacks seems to be quite obvious in Afghanistan and Iraq, these both these countries have been invaded by US army and there are military troops from different countries supporting US in their WOT. There is political disorder in these countries. The objectives of suicide bombers are to kills the troops so that there governments announce withdrawal of their troops, to do maximum damage to the troops as the people of these countries have nothing to lose. If we look the situation in

Early Childhood Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Early Childhood Education - Research Paper Example Learning a second language improves the knowledge and awareness of the child. The similarities and differences between the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of the languages would help him to understand the sounds, the words, and the rules for constructing a sentence in the most standard way. Moreover, researchers have proved that learning a new language bring several other qualities in children. It would build the foreign language comprehension and speech of children and would also improve the English verbal and listening skills. Early language study has much to do with the student’s higher performance in basic skills. New language learning also would strengthen the math and analytical skills of children. Moreover, learning foreign language would increase the exposure of the children to new cultures and different backgrounds and shall raise the self esteem of children. Learning Additional Language in Schools Coming to the case of learning languages, experts are of the opi nion that learning should start from schools and colleges. It is always not practical to teach adults as they may not have sufficient time and mentality to learn a new language. Learning a language is completely different from learning other matters. Surveys and research has come up with the conclusion that children are better learners as far as language learning is concerned. Governments (in most EU countries) are insisting to start the language class at schools and colleges so that children when they become adult citizens would be able to use it properly. Citizens who speak more than one language are really an asset to the nation. So parents and educational institutions are interested in adding a foreign... As the discussion declares learning a second language improves the knowledge and awareness of the child. The similarities and differences between the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar of the languages would help him to understand the sounds, the words, and the rules for constructing a sentence in the most standard way. Moreover, researchers have proved that learning a new language bring several other qualities in children. It would build the foreign language comprehension and speech of children and would also improve the English verbal and listening skills. Early language study has much to do with the student’s higher performance in basic skills. New language learning also would strengthen the math and analytical skills of children. Moreover, learning foreign language would increase the exposure of the children to new cultures and different backgrounds and shall raise the self esteem of children.According to the report findings  learning a language is completely differen t from learning other matters. Surveys and research has come up with the conclusion that children are better learners as far as language learning is concerned.  Language teachings can a part of the curriculum or it can be a part of extracurricular activity in the school syllabi. Learning must start from the lower class itself as it would take few years to learn a language.  Native people will have difficulty in accessing such people and may have communication problems when dealing in such areas.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Healthcare Systems Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare Systems Management - Essay Example Another option is 'taking direct action to reduce expenditure on pharmaceuticals, both by encouraging the use of generic drugs and by restricting or prohibiting the use of expensive branded pharmaceuticals' (CEC 2002, p43). Suppliers of medical equipment may be asked to reduce the astronomical prices they charge for their goods in exchange for some Government incentives such as reduced taxes or more tenders or contracts. 'Nanomedicine is a further exciting new field that has the potential to revolutionize healthcare. It involves the monitoring, repair, construction and control of human biological systems at the molecular level, using engineered "nanodevices" PricewaterhouseCoopers 1999, p22).' New medical opportunities could totally revolutionize healthcare systems despite concerns about spiraling costs. These technologies include Genomics, biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, telesurgery and robotics. The Education Authorities should be proactive in redressing the shrinking pools of talent and young recruits. On the other hand the Immigration department could also play a major role by providing healthcare professionals who have fled their countries to play a hand in developing the health care system.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Lesson Plan Kindergarten Essay Example for Free

Lesson Plan Kindergarten Essay Lesson plan Pre-K/Kindergarten Objectives: Children will learn their ABCs by picture association and also learn the words that go along with it. Students use spoken, written and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (learning, enjoyment, persuasion and the exchange of information). GLE: . Demonstrate understanding of alphabetic principle by doing the following: †¢identifying own first name in print †¢identifying at least eight uppercase or lowercase letters, focusing on those in the student’s name (PK-LL-L3) (ELA-1-E1) Materials: Alphabet cards with pictures on the front and the word on the back Introduction: Start out by going through the ABCs in different manners (songs, videos). Methods/Procedures: Once the children are clear on their alphabet, start with the cards. Each card should have a letter with a word on the other side. On the side with the letter there should a picture of what the word is on the other side. Have the students say the letter and then try to guess what the picture is. Once they have guessed the picture, show them the word and go through the spelling. With this lesson students will learn not only new words and picture recognition. Plans for individual differences: I would take the special needs children to my desk one at a time so they could get a fair shot at recognizing the letters, pictures and words. They should still try with the whole class though. Also I will follow any accommodations listed on their IEP. Assessment/Evaluation: I would evaluate this activity by watching each child in the class. I would also set aside time to take each child to the side and go over a few words with them by themselves.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sainsburys Ratio Analysis

Sainsburys Ratio Analysis Accounting and Finance Assignment Sainsburys Ratio Analysis Nowadays, it is important for organizations to know how to survive in the competitive market in which they are involved, markets that require managers who understand and are aware of the internal and external factors that concerns to the company. Therefore, it is vital to know the existence of different techniques of measurement such as financial tools, which can give an idea on how the companys financial situation is going to affect its performance in the marketplace. One of these tools can be the used of financial ratios, which gives to managers the information to set up strategies in order to make decisions in the future. However, it is important to highlight that this ratios provide an overview of the businesss financial condition, but an analysis in depth is needed to know the reasons why certain changes have occurred (Maclaney and Atrill, 2002). Nevertheless, there are some limitations in the used of financial ratios, for instance, the information is out of date so it does not reflect the real situation of the company, hence it can lead to wrong decisions, also, the analysis made from the financial statements gives symptoms of such situations but not the causes of it (Berry and Jarvis, 1997). The purpose of this report is to analyze Sainsburys financial performance using the analysis of ratios as a financial tool. This information will be taken from the annual reports of 2003 and 2004. In addition, it will include external and relevant information of the company which adds value to the analysis and thus to the financial performance in the already mentioned period of time. This will also help to compare Sainsburys with its competitor Tesco, in order to identify and evaluate the performance of both companies. Finally, this report will give conclusions and recommendations to those investors who want to make an investment in a secure company. RATIO ANALYSIS Profitability Ratios According to Maclaney and Atrill (2002, p. 197), Profitability ratios provide an insight to the degree of success in achieving this purpose. For instance, the profitability ratios of Sainsbury plc are: Profitabiliy Ratios 2004 2003 Return on Capital Employed 8.53% 9.29% Return on Equity 7.64% 8.95% Gross Profit Margin 8.65% 8.14% Net Profit Margin 3.91% 4.25% Table 1. Profitability Ratios (Base on data contained in Appendix A) Regarding on this table, Sainsburys profitability ratios show a moderately deterioration in profit from 2003 to 2004 in a margin of 6%. This downward trend is due to several changes the company had such as, (1) the sell of JS Development and Shaws supermarket, this has an impact on the companys current assets (cash) and profit, in one hand it brings in cash for the sell but on the other hand it stops the daily cash input, consequently there were a decline in profit in 2.6%; (2) the purchase of Swan Infrastructure Holdings Limited, which consist of a whole modern IT system and it is part of a Business Transformation Programme, therefore, there was a rise in 6% of the capital employed (fixed assets and net debt), and also a significantly fall in cash in 27%. Because of all these reasons, there was a drop in profit, but as it is a long-term investment it is estimated to be an income generation in the future. Efficiency and Effectiveness Ratios These ratios are used to try and identify the strengths and weaknesses of a business using a variety of different ratios (Giles et al., 1994, p. 371). The following table illustrates the efficiency ratios used in Sainsburys case. Efficiency and Effectiveness 2004 2003 Fixed Asset Turnover 2 times 2.17 times Debtor Collection Period 1.51 days 2.48 days Creditor Payment Period 28.83 days 28.78 days Stock Holding Period 17.61 days 18.67 days Table 2. Efficiency and Effectiveness (Base on data contained in Appendix A) The fixed asset turnover has slightly decreased due to the acquisition of Swan Infrastructure Holdings Limited, which caused a rise of 7.73% on Sainsburys fixed assets in comparison with the year 2003. Moreover, sales have remained constant which have risen in 0.3%. The purchase of the IT systems will give opportunities to enhanced operational effectiveness, a stronger platform, low costs and an increased in sales. In what a debtor collection period concerns, although this ratio shows a very little period to collect debts from customers, it is logic for this kind of business to be like that owing to the fact that being a supermarket, sales are in cash, only a 8% of the current assets are related to debtors, which had a fall in almost 40% comparing with 2003. On the other hand, the creditor payment period has stayed constant and it shows good rates. The cycle of both debtor collection period and creditor payment period demonstrates that the company receive the money from their debtors before paying to their suppliers, which is good since they do not need to finance themselves but pay with the cash they get in from debtors. Regarding to the stock holding period, even though it has fallen in 1 day, it still is high for a business like supermarket in which the stock plays an important role because the rotation has to be in short periods of time to keep the food fresh. However, it is good to consider that Sainsbury also have a stock of electro domestics, entertainment, house-wares, etc., that the rotation is meant to be in long periods of time. Liquidity Ratios As Maclaney and Atrill (2002, p. 197) said, Certain ratios may be calculated that examine the relationship between liquid resources held and creditors due for payment in the near future. These ratios in Sainsburys company are as follow. Liquidity Ratios 2004 2003 Current Ratio 0.83:1 0.87:1 Acid Test (Quick Ratio) 0.67:1 0.70:1 Table 3. Liquidity Ratios (Base on data contained in Appendix B) The current ratio has a slightly fall, due to the current liabilities rising faster than the current assets. Looking at the current liabilities it can be seen that the company is using bank loans to finance the acquisition of the IT systems by the group, which increased in 63%. The current assets have also been affected by a decreased in 27% of cash account since a 10% of the purchase was made in cash. Similar situation happened with the acid test ratio with a slight fall in the rate. These ratios show a low rate, due to the fast stock rotation which produces cash sales. Although, it seems like the current assets do not cover the current liabilities, the liquid assets are used as productively by the growing of the business to make it more effective, thus profitable. Capital Gearing Ratios This is the relationship between the amount financed by the owners of the business and the amount contributed by outsiders (Maclaney and Atrill 2002, p. 197). For instance, Sainsburys capital gearing ratios are: Capital Gearing Ratios 2004 2003 Gearing Ratio 28.54% 25.97% Times Interest Covered 5.91 times 5.31 times Table 4. Capital Gearing Ratios (Base on data contained in Appendix B) The gearing ratio has increased by 9% due to the long-term debts rising faster than the capital employed during the period from 2003 to 2004. The long term debts went up by 14%, which is because the purchase of IT fixed assets and also the company resort to operations in the capital market and by operating subsidiaries to deal with the interest rate and current risk these finance involves. On the other hand, the times interest covered stayed constant and even though is a low rate, the company still can cover its interest with their profit. Investor Ratios Certain ratios are concerned with assessing the returns and performance of shares held in a particular business (McLaney et al., 2002, p. 197). In this case, the investor ratios for Sainsburys are the followings: Investor Ratios 2004 2003 Earnings per Share 0.20 0.23 Price Earnings Ratio 12.63 times 9.54 times Dividend Yield 6 6.89 Dividend Cover 1.32 1.52 Table 5. Investor Ratios (Base on data contained in Appendix B) The earning per share has fall by 13% mainly caused by the higher profits on business disposals that the company went through last year, so the return to shareholders was a lower rate per share. In contrast, the price earning per share growth by 24%, due to the increase in the market share price in 14%, this is a good new for Sainsburys since it reflects that the market confidence grew from 2003 to 2004. The dividend yield had a slightly decreased since the dividend per share only increased by 0.7% from last year. This was a decision from the company and it reflects the reduction in the earning per share already mentioned and the fall in the dividend cover by 13%. RECOMMENDATION TO POTENTIAL INVESTORS According to the information given by the ratios analysis in the last section, it can be said that even though the companys ratios showed a decreased rates from 2003 to 2004, the expectations of the business performance looks profitable. This is due to the Business Transformation Programme, which consists on the acquisition of IT systems and the sell of Shaws Supermarket and JS Development. The former will be a positive impact in the financial performance of the company in a long-term by increasing sales and reducing costs; and the latter will be used to develop and make more effective the financial and management resources, hence it will enlarge Sainsburys core UK business and strengthen its market position. Therefore, from the ratios analysis, it can be stated that Sainsburys is not a good company to, at present time invest in, since the company has not showed a significant growth in profit during the last financial year. To conclude, if Sainsburys finances start to grow, there is no doubt that investors should consider this company to invest in as it plans a better performance in the long-term. In the next part, it will be given some additional information about Sainsburys and also a comparison with Tesco. RELEVANT INFORMATION ABOUT SAINSBURYS The acquisition of IT system was an important contribution to lead Sainsburys strength its position in the high competitive marketplace. Whereas the group chief executive of Sainsburys said: The net reduction in costs will provide Sainsburys with additional resources to develop our customer proposition, by investing in quality and innovation and improving further our competitive offer, as we move towards trading our business harder from summer 2004 (, there are some opinions that contrast with the statement already mentioned, which states that this acquisition of sophisticated technology was too ambition and did the approach too quick, now Sainsburys is in a worst position than it was before (Smiddy cited OBrian, 2004). In addition, after have used the new IT system, Sainsburys realized that the supply chain system have failed and it did not work as they have expected, it did not increased productivity and the costs were higher than they were years ago ( SAINSBURYS vs. TESCO The supermarket industry is very competitive nowadays, and even more when it comes to the customers satisfaction which is more and more demanding, so it is important for companies in this business to be focus in valued than in profitability, since the former leads them to the latter. Sainsburys and Tesco are two of the principles supermarket chains in UK. Both chains have similar things to offer, such as own label goods; have concern about consumers needs for example healthy and organic food; launched loyalty cards; expand their products such as clothing, electro domestics, etc. and others. On the other hand, they have some differences that make one stand out from the other. While Tesco have a good supply chains and a good strategy, which is having low prices and improving customer satisfaction by having the right products in shelf, Sainsburys is facing some problems in what a supply chain relates to the implementation of the IT system (, which causes the lack of products in the shops and also the customers find it more expensive than its competitors, where they can have equal quality products with lower price ( There are other differences between Sainsburys and Tesco, but there is an important question which is where to invest?. It is important to draw attention to the fact that Sainsburys financial situation does not attract investors, due to the decrease in the profit and sales. In addition, the company has being going through its first loss in 135 years of history ( This reduction was mainly caused by the 554 million acquisition of IT system, and by the drop in profits for the financial year. Thus, it can be said that Tesco might be a better choice to invest in, but this is open to discussion. CONCLUSION Taking into consideration the ratio analysis applied to Sainsburys, it can be said that the company had some variation between 2003 and 2004. Whereas, most of the profitability, efficiency and effectiveness, liquidity and investor ratios demonstrate decline, the gearing ratios demonstrate a rise due to the growth in the long-term debts and the capital employed. Understanding the ratio analysis and the relevant information gathered looks like Sainsburys has gone through some difficulties in their supply chain and their financial and marketing management. Although they have invested in a long-term project and are positive in a potential growth in the coming years, to reach their aim they have to work hard and play in the same field its competitors (Tesco and Asda) are doing, by having low prices and good quality food always available in their shelf for all kind of consumers. Sainsburys still have a strong position in the retail sector in the UK. For this reason it is good for investors to wait and see its performance for the next years, currently is not a good moment to invest in. REFERENCES BERRY, A. and JARVIS, R., 1997. Accounting in a Business Context. 3rd Edition. London: International Thomson Business Press. GILES, R. and CAPEL, J., 1994. Finance and accounting. 3rd Edition. London: MacMillan. HARDING, D., 2005. Supermarket sweep-up for Sainsburys. Accountancy Age. Available from: [] Accessed 22/Apr/2005. MARKETING WEEK, 2004. Reinvention is the only option left for Sainsburys. Marketing Week, pg. 30. Available from: [] Accessed 20/Apr/2005. MARKETING WEEK, 2005. Sainsburys promises must mean business. Marketing Week, pg.22. Available from: [] Accessed 20/Apr/2005. MCLANEY, E. and ATRILL, P., 2002. Accounting An Introduction. Second edition. London: Prentice Hall. OBRIEN, L., 2004. Sainsburys blames profit warning on supply failures. Supply Management, 9 (22). Available from: [] Accessed 20/Apr/2005. SAINSBURYS WEBSITE, 2005. Annual Report and Financial Statements 2004. Available from: [] Accessed 15/Apr/2005. SAINSBURYS WEBSITE, 2005. Sainsburys simplifies financing of IT contract with Accenture. Investor News. Available from: [] Accessed 20/Apr/2005.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

According to Raz, the sources thesis is essential

According to Raz, the sources thesis is essential According to Raz, the sources thesis is essential to the authority of law. Does it follow from his account that authority is at heart a matter of power (as a sceptic would maintain) rather than a rational virtue? Can Raz avoid this conclusion and remain a positivist? It is contended that Raz and his articulation of legal positivism remains intact after careful analysis, if somewhat buffeted by the arguments inherent in the question as posed. To fully appreciate the concept of authority as Raz develops it, one must first consider how Raz has defined the sources thesis and its relationship to the authority of law. The source thesis as developed by Raz is the culmination of his logical progression in the development of a flexible and comprehensive tool to define legal positivism. Raz fashions a three headed thesis comprised of social, moral and semantic components, of which the social thesis is the most important.[1] Raz emphatically states that what the law is and what it is not is a social fact –his corollary proposition is that a rule is only a legal rule if it meets a social condition.[2] Raz proceeded in his analysis to articulate how the social thesis becomes a cornerstone for the justification of law as a social institution, a concept tightly allied by Raz to three elements that determine the true existence of such systems – efficacy, institutional character and the source of law. In this context, Raz elevates the source thesis to one of both complexity and prominence. It is submitted that Raz in his definition of both efficacy and institutional character as separate tests that identify the existence of a legal system, in fact renders them as sub-compartments of his source thesis. Raz is certain that the source thesis, an acknowledgement that all law is fully determined by its social sources, is the most important element of a legal system.[3] He defines his social sources as including any extraneous 'interpretative sources'[4] that may exist in a society. Raz stipulates that a law has a source if its contents and existence can be determined without resort to moral arguments. Raz thus includes both legislation and a wide range of societal facts as defining the law and its authority. The Raz definition of law as an aggregation of community and societal custom, habits, and shared perspectives is a far cry from the seminal Austin concepts of legal positivism, ones centred upon the notion of a irrefutable ‘sovereign power’ that promulgates law as a command that is reciprocally enforced by sanction, all crisply delineated from any moral considerations.[5] In contrast, it is plain that Raz perceives the authority of the law in less stark and more indirect terms than Austin would have accepted. The source thesis as posited by Raz has two functions. The first is its utility in categorising and systemising the interconnected aspects of law (a purpose that all legal positivists from Austin onwards would endorse). The second function is to provide publicly ascertainable standards that are binding upon society.[6] The state power as contemplated by Raz to achieve these legal societal purposes is held in a collective sense by the community; there is no supreme and authoritative sovereign lawgiver in the Raz model. However, it is equally plain that Raz does not attribute ‘rational virtue’ to his concept of authority. By definition, virtue is a moral consideration and therefore one that Raz and positivists generally would not permit to enter the authority equation. On the subject of unvirtuous law, Raz suggested that ‘†¦Even a bad law, as the inevitable official doctrine, should be obeyed for as long as it is in force, while lawful action is taken to try and bring about its amendment or repeal’. It is submitted that this perspective internalizes authority to within the society, consistent with Raz’ thesis that law is fully determined from social sources.[7] Raz considers the question of power in relation to law in another sense that bears upon the present question. Raz has stated in a number of his works that consistent with the source based notion of all law, the authority to create or administer the law must be either legitimate or de facto.[8] The use of the term ‘authority’ has a strong power connotation; legal systems may only claim legitimacy through an implicit or express assertion that the system possesses the power to maintain such authority. The power to adjudicate legal issues and to the ability to maintain regulatory and enforcement systems places the legal system in a position of supremacy within a society, but it is a supremacy derived from societal forces and desires and not a sovereign influence in the Austinian positivist sense. It is submitted that in the Raz interpretation of the institutional character of the law, the legitimate legal system will inevitably reflect the social fact of the society. In this fashion Raz closes a philosophical loop in his conclusion that ‘†¦conformity to moral values or ideals is in no way a condition for anything being a law or legally binding. Hence, the law's conformity to moral values and ideals is not necessary[9]. It is this proposition that cements the Raz position as one within the positivist camp. Bibliography George, Robert P., (ed.) The Autonomy of Law: Essays on Legal Positivism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999) George, Robert P. What Is Law? A Century of Arguments. First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life Apr. 2001:23 Raz, Joseph. Ethics in the Public Domain: Essays in the Morality of Law and Politics (Revised ed.) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995) Raz, Joseph. Practical Reasons and Norms (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979) Raz, Joseph. The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979) Footnotes [1] The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1979), 37; see also Practical Reasons and Norms (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002), 161, 162 ibid, 40 [2] ibid, 43-46 4 ibid, 47 [3]5 Austin, John. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (New York: B. Franklin, 1970), 6 Raz, 51 [4] [5]5 Austin, John. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined (New York: B. Franklin, 1970), 6 Raz, 51 7Joseph Raz, Ethics in the Public Domain: Essays in the Morality of Law and Politics, Revised ed. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995) [6] [7] [8] Ethics, 216 [9] Ethics, 217

Comparing Women in Lowell’s Patterns and Sorrell’s From a Correct Addre

The Struggle of Women in Lowell’s Patterns and Sorrell’s From a Correct Address       "Woman is not born," feminist Andrea Dworkin wrote. "She is made. In the making, her humanity is destroyed. She becomes symbol of this, symbol of that: mother of the earth, slut of the universe; but she never becomes herself because it is forbidden for her to do so." Dworkin’s quote relates to women throughout history who have been forced to conform. Although women can be regarded highly in society, representing images of fertility, security, and beauty, many people still view them in stereotypical ways; some people believe that all women should act a certain way, never letting their true selves shine through. Amy Lowell’s "Patterns" and Helen Sorrell’s "From a Correct Address in a Suburb of a Major City" accurately portray the struggles of women in relation to conformity. Through contrasting descriptive details, symbols, and language, the authors depict the plights of two remarkably similar women who wish they could break free of their social confinements a s women. In both poems, certain details of the characters’ lives give the reader an impression that the women live pleasant, well-to-do lives, while others give an idea that the women are suffering; this contrast helps to depict the confusion and inner struggles the women are facing. Although they live lives of riches and glamour, they long for something that surpasses the material aspects of life, allowing them to experience freedom from their many social confinements as women. Lowell writes many details in "Patterns" that lead the reader to believe the woman described is upper class: As I wander down The garden-paths. My dress is richly figured . . . Just the pla... ...ther they express the realistic conflict there is between the two. Outwardly, the characters conform, but, inwardly, they long to be free. In real life, most people do not sway to a definite side or another on the issue of conformity and rebellion, but rather, as these characters do, experience a complex inward struggle and conflict with the ideas. Works Cited Lowell, Amy. "Patterns." Literature: The Human Experience. Ed. Richard Abcarian and Marvin Klotz. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996. 291-293. Sorrells, Helen. "From a Correct Address in a Suburb of a Major City." Literature: TheHuman Experience. Ed. Richard Abcarian and Marvin Klotz. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996. 301-302. Quotes by Author: Andrea Dworkin. 5 Apr. 2000. Cyber Nation International <>.     

Friday, July 19, 2019

Deception in Hamlet :: essays research papers

Deception is a recurring theme in Hamlet. In a tale of murder, love, and politics, deception could have no more fitting place. The lies and pretensions interweave each other, and there is no character left out of this web. All the central characters have their secrets to hide and mistruths to spread, and this is central to the plot and its progression.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  King Claudius deceives all those around him with his mourning and celebrating demeanor, and his strange celebration and waking. He seems to grieve for the brother that he slew, and works to console all others that may or may not grieve for his brother’s death, such as his nephew and step-son Hamlet. His pretense is great, and forces Hamlet to investigate the truth of the ghost’s tale, unraveling the mystery of his father’s death and others’ involvement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Prince Hamlet has perhaps the most devious series of deceptions in the tragedy. He feints madness, in order to soften up the minds of those he seeks to learn information from, by putting them off their guard. Hamlet also sets in motion a plan to discover his uncle’s guilt in the murder of his father through a play within a play within a play, aptly named â€Å"The Mousetrap.† His clever pretension also leads Polonius astray in his presumption as to the cause of Hamlet’s supposed strange manner and Ophelia to believe that his love for her has gone with his sanity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ophelia is also key in the theme of deception in the play. However, she is more so privy to the intentions of others to deceive than to her own. Her lies are merely a sense of self-preservation in a world dominated by men. She deceives Hamlet on her feelings for him at the behest of her father, Polonius, in his scheme to determine the true cause of Hamlet’s strange behavior. Ophelia in turn is actually herself deceived by Hamlet’s scheme to feint madness. Essentially she is the channeling of Polonius’ plot of political investigation, and as used as she may be by all sides, she is not seriously affected by it towards the end of Act III, other than through the death of her oppressive father.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Red Bull and Beverage Industry Essay

What are the underlying drivers of change and how might those forces individually or collectively make the industry more or less attractive? Now energy drink, sports drinks and vitamin-enhanced is evolving. Energy drink, sports drinks and vitamin-enhanced in the beverage market, external and internal environment under pressure, causing it to change. The energy drink, sports drinks and vitamin-enhanced from 2009 began to develop, to grow from $1. 58 trillion in 2009 to nearly $1. 78 trillion in 2014. Market is very rapid. I feel the market underlying drivers the following: 1. The influence of Globalization: the global beverage industry was project to grow from $1. 58 trillion in 2009 to nearly $1. 78 trillion in 2014 as beverage producers entered new geographic markets, development new types of beverages and continued to create demand fir popular drink . These new products to market has generated new creativity and new applications, so as to increase the intensity of competition in the market, the beverage market is booming. Because globalization, lead to product innovation development, Each enterprise according to new market policy undertook a series of adjustment. . Buyers demand increases, resulting in the beverage industry development: Now many of the buyers to pay attention to nutritional balance and complement, so energy drink, sports drinks and vitamin-enhanced have a more broad market. 4. What  does  your  strategic  group  map  of  the  energy  drink,  sports  drink,  and  vitamin-enhanced  beverage  industry  look  like? Which  strategic  groups  do  you  think  are  in  the  best  positions? The  worst  positions? The  Red  bull  energy  drinks  was  created  in  1966. It  became  the  one  of  the  first  energy  drinks  in  the  world. In the fast moving consumer goods, beverage industry belongs to the keen industry, but the huge demand, walk quantity is the most effective way to enlarge its profit, â€Å"small profits but quick turnover† is also the retailers general technique, so the enterprise sales also often in several hundred million, billions of above, but the investment funds is very big, so the new industry enterprise also often be some big corporations. Marketing force, marketing force, it refers to the marketing strategy and the marketing ability of organization. For example in china, , want to stand out in many products, must be competitive marketing strategy and a good marketing organization system. Channel force, it refers to the channel management ability, in the fast pin product, channel for the king, even if you have good products, put a great amount of expenses to do publicity without to channel intensive cultivation, or do bad market, can not reach walk quantity task, meager profit but high turnover â€Å"pin† link will break chain, will give enterprise to bring the serious loss. . What recommendations would you make to Coca-Cola to improve its competitiveness in the global alternative beverage industry? To PepsiCo? To Red Bull GmbH 1 internal Strengthen control of quality and learn more information about requirements for energy beverage in different nation. And I saw that lots of news about Red bull which include illegal composition in recent years. In 2009, Germany check out Red Bull Cola (Red Bull Cola) contains 0. PPM of co caine 30 may 2009, Taiwan police check out Austria import red bull energy drinks contain extremely trace level of drug cocaine 1 June 2009 Hong Kong, 11 February 2012 China, Negative news would significant impacted a company or industry, especially Drinking and food industry. Everything about eating. In addition, there are lots of new beverage brand in the world. If Negative news led to lose market, company would very hard to get market back

A Comparative Analysis

The field of psychotherapy provides a healer 11 diverse sanative systems, all of which are designed to secure the a handle goal to address the chores, whether ablaze or mental, of the node. some(a) of these systems call for an progressive and exactive participation from the healer composition m either requires him to hold back and let the thickening heal himself. This paper aims to admit the differences as well as tittle-tattle over similarities between two of the el even off lendable counseling approaches the psychoanalytical Therapy and Person-Centered Therapy. relative analytic mentation 3 A Comparative Analysis of deuce Counseling Approaches Two of the most-utilized counseling approaches are psychoanalytical Therapy and Person-Centered Therapy. Perhaps due to its actually opposite characteristics, these approaches embrace the two typewrites of lymph glands 1 who worryes to sit piling, talk, remain distant and discover no personal affinity with the healer and unmatchable who prefers to acquittance his thoughts while creating an well-read relationship with the healer. Definition consort to Psychology Today, psychoanalytic therapy is a general name for remediation approaches which elbow grease to get the patient to bring to the get on their true feelings, so that they keister set round them and as plastered them. In this kind of therapy, the unconscious is studied with a focus on dreams, behavior, slips of tongue, post-hyp nonic suggestion, and the use of techniques that provide the invitee an prospect to search their thoughts for links to various issues and bothers. unconscious(p) thoughts and runes are the basis for all forms of problem symptoms and behaviors.On the other hand, a Person-Centered Therapy, some seasons called Rogerian Therapy, focuses on immediate conscious experience. Rogers (1977) describes this form of therapy as a affect of freeing a person and removing obstacles so that normal issue and d evelopment laughingstock proceed and the thickening push past become independent and self-directed. unconscious mind vs. Conscious Psychoanalytic therapy holds that bringing the unconscious into conscious awareness promotes insight and resolves conflict. (Psychology Today) According to Freud, human organisms are basically opinionated by psychic energy and by early experiences.Unconscious motives and Comparative Analysis 4 conflicts are central in swindle behavior. Making the node aware of his unconscious motives by interpreting his dreams and thoughts will antecede him to freedom of mind and body. Person-Centered therapy, on unrivaled hand, deals with immediate conscious experience. Its primary answer is to provide a deep cause and relieveance of the attitudes consciously held at this blink of an eye by the client as he explores step by step into the desperate areas which he has been denying to consciousness.(Personality & Consciousness) This form of humanistic thera py deals with the slipway in which people perceive themselves consciously rather than having a therapist move to interpret unconscious thoughts or ideas. (Depression-Guide, 2005) directional vs. Non-directive Psychoanalytic therapy is directive in temperament such that the therapist allows the client to talk freely save in the process asks a number of questions, dictates length and relative frequence of sessions, and advises client on how to deal with things and how to positioning legitimate issues.Person-centered therapy is non-directive. It is an approach to counseling and psychotherapy that places much of the responsibility for the treatment process on the client, with the therapist taking a non-directive role. (Mind Disorders, 2007) The therapists role is mainly to act as a facilitator and to provide a pleasant environment, rather than to drive and direct therapy outcomes. (Lots of Essays, 2009) The client is seen as the core therapist, with the actual therapist servi ng as consultant, advisor, witness, and support system.Then vs. forthwith Psychoanalysis places world-shattering wideness on early development. (Psychology Today) It believes that such is of critical importance because later personality problems have their root in repressed childhood conflicts. Comparative Analysis 5 In Rogerian therapy, care is given to the present moment and on experiencing and expressing these feelings in order to move towards a more beneficial direction. TechniquesThe therapist employing Psychoanalytic Therapy uses techniques such as free association (the client reports whateverthing that comes to mind), dream analysis, interpretation, analysis of immunity and transference, and beneathstanding of counter-transference, to capture commonalities in the clients thoughts and behaviors and to interpret them in toll of the clients problems. (4therapy Net overwork, 1998) In a Person-Centered therapy, few techniques are utilized.Research has shown that the most signifi natest variables in the effectiveness of this therapy are aspects of the relationship and the therapists personal development not the particular proposition discip dividing line they practice or techniques they employ. The therapist is expected to create an atmosphere that is both suitable and comfortable for the client in order for him to freely express his feelings and direct himself towards healing. In fact, in order for this type of therapy to be effective, it requires three things unconditional dictatorial regard, empathy, and tangibleness or congruence.(Rogers, 1961) Unconditional prescribed Regard. This unconditional positive regard, or something desire love, can allow the client to lurk his vulnerabilities, consternations, flaws, secrets, and dysfunctions within the remedy setting without fear of being rejected. This allows the therapist to gain the involve insights on the clients worldview and overall situation that enables the therapist to devise interv entions, or beget suggestions, that can help the client shift that worldview in a beneficial direction. (Lots of Essays, 2009) Comparative Analysis 6Empathy. Empathy refers to understanding the clients feelings and personal meanings as they are experienced. The therapist encourages the patient to express their feelings and does not suggest how the person might wish to change, but by listening and wherefore mirroring back what the patient reveals to them, helps them to explore and understand their feelings for themselves Congruence. Congruence on the part of the therapist refers to his ability to be completely genuine and transparent. He does not present an removed professional facade.(Mulhauser, 2002) There is no port of authority or hidden knowledge, and the client does not have to speculate about what he is really like. This is very utmost from what is being d angiotensin converting enzyme during psychoanalytic therapy sessions wherein the client lies on a couch veneering away from the therapist, minimizing opportunity for client-therapist relationship. Length of school term Two or more age with multiple sessions each week is required to to the full apply and utilize Psychoanalytic Therapy. (Psychology Today) In contrast, at that place are no strict guidelines regarding the length or frequency of sessions in a Person-Centered Therapy.Generally, therapists adhere to a one-hour session erst per week. However, true to its spirit, programming may be ad cleaned jibe to the clients expressed needs. The client also decides when to terminate therapy. Termination usually occurs when he or she feels able to better cope with lifes difficulties. (Mind Disorders, 2007) Applications analytical therapy is not recommended for self-centered and impulsive individuals or for people with psychotic upsets, in the corresponding way that person-centered therapy is not intended for a specific age group or subpopulation.While psychoanalysis essentially wrote off so me groups, Comparative Analysis 7 like schizophrenics or borderline personality disorder types, person-centered psychotherapies assume that all people could be worked with and that the answer to their dysfunction lay within them. (Mind Disorders, 2007) Person-Centered Therapy has been used to treat a tolerant range of people and has also been utilize to persons suffering from feeling, anxiety, alcohol disorders, cognitive dysfunction, and personality disorders.Some therapists argue that person-centered therapy is not effective with non-verbal or poorly educated individuals others maintain that it can be successfully adapted to any type of person. The person-centered approach can be used in individual, group, or family therapy. With schoolgirlish children, it is frequently employed as play therapy. Criticisms of the Two Approaches cardinal major unfavorable judgment of Psychoanalytic Therapy is its inability to cure one of the most common and major stirred disorder depression .People, it is believed, need insight, out front they can change. This means that you have to understand why they are depressed before you can get better. On the face of it, this sees absolutely rationalnessable, particularly as it seems to match the graphic human response to a problem to find out why. However, in depression, this port of thinking will tend to earn the depression worse. The problems with this type of counseling for depression are many. First, the focus is predominantly on the past. Depressed people do this dope already.One main idea is to discover the reason why. There is rarely any undivided reason why with depression, and even if there was, discovering it does not make the depression go away. defy this for example, if you know why you blush, does the blushing flow? Comparative Analysis 8 Some therapists have been sued for using this approach in the US when treating depression. Approaches which mainly focus on the past are not recommended in the treatmen t of depression and anxiety conditions. (Depression Guide, 2005)As for Person-Centered Therapy, there is no other aspect which comes under such vigorous attack aside from the implications of the therapist acting as a facilitator rather than as a counselor. It seems to be genuinely disturbing to many professional people to entertain the thought that this client upon whom they have been exercising their professional dexterity actually knows more about his inside psychological self than they can possibly know, and that he possesses constructive strengths which make the constructive push by the therapist seem puny indeed by comparison.The willingness fully to accept this strength of the client, with all the re-orientation of therapeutic procedure which it implies, is one of the ways in which client-centered therapy differs most sharply from other therapeutic approaches. (Rogers, 1946) Personal Viewpoint I powerfully believe that a Person-centered therapy works outgo for me, not beca use I have once seeked the help of a professional therapist, but because I feel that my bring forth had served as my own therapist employing the Person-centered therapy on me.There was one quantify when I felt so down about not being able to make it to the top of the fall apart for a certain school year. You see, Im an A-grade student the cream of the crop. I even graduated with First Honors in grade school. Come high school, though, I departed to a class where everyone is the best in their own schools. Competition was tough. Anyone who doesnt perish up to the expectation is transferred to another subsection to mingle with the average students. The Number One student in me struggled to keep up. I did for the first three years. However,Comparative Analysis 9 come the last year in high school, I was suddenly set about with the fact that I didnt make it. I no longer belong to the prime class. It was painful. It was unacceptable. The reason for not make it was simply because o f a Technology sound projection an amplifier thats supposed to make a bulb light up. Unfortunately, mine didnt when the professor inspected it. That was it no considerations, no twinkling chances, I got a low mark. I was informed a calendar month before the next school year starts. That month was indeed a difficult time for me.I remember crying several nights public lecture to myself and still, I wasnt feeling any better. I felt that my parents were disappointed of me my friends were not sad enough that Im leaving the class. What helped me to move on and accept the turn-out of events was my father he sit down with me, just listening and helping me spill my guts. I talked non-stop, crying and just tattle him that I hate myself for what has happened, that I cannot so far accept that I failed, that he has to do something about it. My father just sat there, allow me talk.He listened making no ostracise comments, not judging me or blaming me or telling me that Im wrong. He wou ld always repeat the things I verbalise in the form of questions. He was literally mirroring me. I guess that was his way of letting me know that he is really there, he is listening intently and not just pretending to. He did not even use the usual parent line Ive been there, Child. What you need to do is And thinking about it now, I am appreciative that he didnt. Had he said those words, I would have reacted negatively by look No, you dont know how Im feeling.You never had to go finished something like this I would have regarded him as one of my peers who I felt that time didnt care much as they are still part of the class. I would have stopped opening up to him. Comparative Analysis 10 My fathers technique, as I schooling the different approaches of therapy, is very much the same as that of the Person-centered Therapy. And luckily, it worked for me. I ended up hearing myself over and over again talking about the same things, fierce over the same stuff. Eventually, reason, understanding and espousal came.My father must have know I wasnt the type to remove orders from people. He trusted that I am capable of solving my own problems and facing my own dilemmas. The Challenge The key take exception in the field of psychotherapy is to find ways to integrate and combine certain features of various approaches in order to work with the needs of different clients. What is crucial is a strong knowledge of what a certain approach is its advantages, strengths and weaknesses, applications and even recent studies/cases that may prove to be helpful in solving a clients case.Comparative Analysis 11 References Cain, David J. (2002). Humanistic Psychotherapies handbook of Research and Practice. Washington, DC American psychological Association. Counselling Directory. Psychoanalytical and Psychodynamic Therapies. Retrieved May 24, 2009, from http//www. counselling-directory. org. uk/psychoanalytical. hypertext mark-up language Depression-Guide. (2005). Person-Cent ered Therapy. Retrieved May 22, 2009, from http//www. depression-guide. com/person-centered-therapy. htm Lots of Essays. (2009). Person-Centered Psychotherapies. Retrieved May 24, 2009, from http//www.lotsofessays. com/viewpaper/1691857. hypertext mark-up language Mind Disorders. (2007). Person-centered therapy. Retrieved May 22, 2009, from http//www. minddisorders. com/Ob-Ps/Person-centered-therapy. hypertext markup language unexampled Psychoanalysis. The Talking Cure. Retrieved May 20, 2009, from http//modernpsychoanalysis. org/default. aspx Mulhauser, G. Counselling Resource. (2002). An presentation to Person-Centered Counselling. Retrieved May 24, 2009, from http//counsellingresource. com/types/person-centred/ Personality & Consciousness. Rogerian Therapy. Retrieved May 23, 2009, from http//pandc. ca/?cat=carl_rogers&page=rogerian_therapy Psychology Today. Whats Your Orientation? Retrieved May 24, 2009, from http//www. psychologytoday. com/pto/methods. html Comparative Analysi s 12 Rogers, C. R. (1946). important Aspects of Client-Centered. American Psychologist, 1, 415-422. Retrieved May 24, 2009 from PsychClassics database. Rogers, Carl. (1951). Client-Centered Therapy. Boston Houghton Mifflin. 4therapy Network. (1998). Psychoanalytic Therapy. Retrieved May 21, 2009, from http//www. 4therapy. com/consumer/about_therapy/item. php? uniqueid=4933&categoryid=401&